Addictive to reading

Hello everyone

I am a middle-aged man who recently found the pleasure of reading books.

The origin of the thing was to quit my current job and aim to break away from working at a company.

I was wondering if I could make money myself.

I can't ask people about it.

Nobody around me knows how to do that.

That's why I searched for a book and read it.

This was quite interesting, and recently I've been spending time reading books.

The genres of books I am reading recently are various.

The book of the person who appears on YouTube.

And celebrity books

If you have the opportunity to read a book at home in the living room,

I'm playing music from a cheap speaker that I purchased from Amazon or Rakuten before and can connect with Bluetooth.

I'm listening to JAZZ and classical music on YouTube.

And make coffee and read elegantly.

I'm an adult!

It is a world of self-satisfaction.


Recommended book?

Please find it yourself

(☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎

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